Tonight there will be a great night
Now I'm at Jennys place. Tonight, the loved ones are coming here :)
Jenny håller på att baka något gott!
Jenny is about to bake something good
Every day, every week
Jag undrar vad jag och Agnes ska hitta på idag, eller kommer vi sova bort hela dagen? :p
Yesterday Sabben & Adam visited me and the girls. Nice to be able to take a break and get some company sometimes :D
I wonder what me and Agnes will do today, or will we sleep all day long? :p
Adam & Agnes
Engla hade vispat grädde, och då fick man äta det som blev över.
Engla had whipped cream, and then she could eat what was left of it.
Vad gör ni denna lördag?
What are you doing this Saturday?
A tip for you
Finns på Kicks från 569:- :thumbup:
Has anyone tried this perfume? It smells SO good!
Available at Kicks, price from 569 Swedish kronor :thumbup:
I'm tired!!!!!
Jag känner mig som en zombie :(
Now I have a babysitter. Engla sleeps with mom and dad tonight. I was planing to sleep, sleep and sleep some more, but now when I'm tired as most, then Agnes dont want to sleep..
I feel like a zombie :(
The "Lasse Åberg" collection
Hela Lasse Åberg kollektionen som finns på Tre Små Busfrön.
Body, byxor, kjol, nalle björn, mössor och filtar.
Skriv en kommentar till mig om du vill beställa något ;)
The entire Lasse Åberg collection available on Tre Små Busfrön.
Body, pants, skirts, teddy bears, hats and blankets.
Write me a comment if you want to order something ;)
Something for me
This jacket from Didriksons just became mine :D Finally I got something new for myself!
For the third time
I could not keep myself from buying this bodysuit to Agnes when we were at Tre Små Busfrön earlier today. There are a LOT of nice clothes from Lasse Åberg in the shop now :D I will post more pictures of the Lasse Åberg clothes, and you can tell me if there is anything you want, I can put it away or send it ;)
The backside.
Nu ska jag snart åka och hämta Engla på dagis, sedan ska vi hämta mamma från jobbet eftersom jag har hennes bil.
Today Veronica and Alva came to visit us. We had lunch togheter then we took a walk to the grocery store, shoe store and Tre Små Busfrön :) I really miss the job! I've been there 3 of 3 days this week :p
Now I will soon go and pick up Engla from kindergarten, then we'll get mom from work because I have her car.
Alva leker under köksbordet.
Alva play under the kitchen table.
Frågor & Svar / Questions & Answers
There are many who wonder if and when we go to Turkey / Alanya. The truth is that I do not know the month or the date when we should go. It happens when it happens :p
Foto från en hamn promenad tillsammans med Jeanette förra sommaren.
Photo from a harbor walk with Jeanette last summer.
More new stuff
En jacka från Tre Små Busfrön och skor från Kvissleby Skor, Engla växer ur kläderna för fort!! Hon skulle faktiskt behöva en ny garderob full med kläder ;)
Äntligen har hon fått jackan som jag tittat på 100000 gånger :D
After we picked up Engla from kindergarten we went for shopping :p
A jacket from Tre Små Busfrön and shoes from Kvissleby Shoes, Engla is growing too fast!! She would actually need a new wardrobe full of clothes ;)
Finally Engla got the jacket that I looked at 100,000 times :D
I miss you!
Now when Engla is in kindergarten and I have a lot of time for other things, then I sit and wait to pick her up! :p She has special times at kindergarten now when I'm home with Agnes. I will pick her up at 14, then we go home to my mom and dad.
Mammas och pappas hundar Inez & Saga.
Mom's and dad's dogs Inez & Saga.
Alanya from a car
The first time I was in Alanya was in 2008. Here I found two videos from a bus we went with. Unfortunately the window was open, so the sound is bad ..
This is what I came home with from Tre Små Busfrön :D
Now we are back after a nice lunch at Sandra. On the way home we went into the store Tre Små Busfrön to visit my cousin. There are so many nice clothes there, and ofcouse I got a bag home with me ;) There is always something nice that you have to have if you go in there!
Agnes & Adam
Me and the children are now ready for a walk with the stroller to Sandra. There we are invited for lunch, nice :)
A clip from the movie "2012"
This scene makes me cry every time! I LOVE my family :love:
Jag ska kila in i köket och se om jag kan hitta något gott att äta medans jag tittar på filmen ;)
Tonight is the 2012 movie on television. It begins about a half hour, so I sit and wait for it now :p
I'll head over to the kitchen and see if I can find something good to eat while I watch the movie ;)
A big thanks to my friend Sandra who now fixed so that I have both the computer and the internet :D I'm so happy now!!
Be my guest
Agnes är idag 4 veckor och har gått upp 900g i vikt sedan födseln :thumbup:
Today my friend Karla came to visit me. I got a really nice flower that now adorns my kitchen table. Later, she came with me and the children to the health center where we had an appointment for Agnes.
Agnes is now 4 weeks and have gained 900g in weight since birth :thumbup:
Nu är vi hemma hos mamma och pappa (ovanligt) :p Men eftersom jag fortfarande inte har någon dator så bloggar jag när jag är här eller då jag är hos min syster.
Snart ska vi åka hem till lägenheten. Imorgon väntar en shopping dag tillsammans med Veronica :)
Now we are at mum and dads place (unusually) :p But since I still don't have any computer, I blog when I'm here or when I am at my sisters place.
Soon we'll go back to the apartment. Tomorrow awaits a shopping day with Veronica :)
Lunch with the mothers
Det är så mysigt att kunna träffa andra mammor och barn när jag bara är hemma nu för tiden :love: :D
Now we have been to lunch at Sabben's place. She gave us a delicious soup! :)
It's so nice to meet other moms and kids when I'm just at home these days :love: :D
Sabben's son Adam.
Johanna's dotter Elsa-Li.
Johanna's daughter Elsa Li.
Erica's dotter Joli och min Agnes.
Erica's daughter Joli and my Agnes.
Sabben tar foton på Sandra's dotter Neah.
Sabben taking photos of Sandra's daughter Neah.
New day
This morning I went with the kids home to my mom for some breakfast. And very soon me and Agnes will go to Sabben for lunch and meet other moms and their babies :)
Engla på väg till mormor.
Engla on her way to grandma.
I want!
Den finns i butiken Tre Små Busfrön och på webbshoppen för 399kr.
How nice is'nt this softshell jacket from Didriksons? I want it for Engla!!
It is available in the store Tre Små Busfrön and the webshop for 399 Swedish kronor.
She is the sunshine
Now we had two wonderful days in the sun, both today and yesterday. The snow is melting fast! Yesterday we had over 21 degrees in the sun :D
Engla säger att hon gör snö tårtor ;)
Engla says she makes snow cakes ;)
Inatt ska Engla sova hos mamma och pappa. Jag och Agnes ska vara ensam hemma tills imorgon så jag får lite extra tid att vila. Det är skillnad på att ha ett litet barn och två stycken! :p
Tonight Engla will sleep at mom and dads place. Me and Agnes will be alone at home until tomorrow so I get a little extra time to rest. There is a difference between having one small child and having two! :p
It's a beautiful day
Good morning! This night we slept at mom and dads place. It's nice to have some company when it's weekend. Now, the children is fed and the clothes is on, so now we go out in the nice weather :)
Jag visar några bilder på de kläder som blev köpta till Engla och Agnes.
I spent this day on Birsta City (a shopping center) with my mom and the kids.
I show some pictures of the clothes that we bought to Engla and Agnes.
Englas nya kläder.
Englas new clothes.
En tröja och två pyjamasar till Agnes.
A sweater and two pajamas to Agnes.
Just nu finns kläderna bara i webben, men till sommaren öppnas portarna för en fysisk butik.
I hope you didn't miss to visit SWEETSANDY.SE !! There you can find Rockabilly and Pinup clothes ;)
There are clothes only in the web, but this summer she will open the doors to a physical store.
Walking.. walking.. and walking
Vilken snäll syster jag har! Igår åkte hon och hennes pojkvän till fjällen och deras nyckel blev kvar med mig ;) Vilken tur att dom bara bor 2 portar ifrån mig, och att det dessutom går att springa genom källaren när vi ska besöka varandra! Nu är Engla på dagis och Agnes sover, så jag har får låna deras dator och sitter här hemma hos dom nu och bloggar i lugn och ro :D
What a nice sister I have! Yesterday she went with her boyfriend to the mountains and their key was handed to me;) The good thing is, they only live two doors away from me, and it is possible to run through the basement when we visit each other! Now Engla is in kindergarten and Agnes is sleeping, so I can borrow their computer, and I sitting here at their home right now and write in my blog in silence :D
Iallafall så har jag varit ute och promenerat i 2 timmar idag. Medans Veronica och Alva hade sitt första besök på dagis så promenerade jag medans jag väntade på dom :)
Och när vi kom hem blev det lite kaffe för oss innan jag skulle köra mamma på jobbet. Tiden går fort! Nu ska jag snart hämta Engla på dagis, och sedan ska vi hämta mamma på jobbet :p Vi hörs!
Anyway, I've been out and walked for 2 hours today. While Veronica and Alva had their first visit at the kindergarten, I walked while I was waiting for them :)
And when we got home we had some coffee before I had to drive my mom at work. Time flies! Now I'll soon have to pich up Engla from kindergarten, and then we gonna pick up mom from work :p See ya!
Ny vagn / New stroller
När man har två små barn är det jätte bra att ha en syskonvagn. Den här nya barnvagnen hämtade jag förra fredagen och jag älskar den! Den är lätt att köra :thumbup:
Good morning! Now we are sitting and waiting for Veronica and Alva to come to us. Alva begins her first day at Englas kindergarten today so we'll go there together :)
When you have two small children it is very helpful to have a twin stroller. This new stroller I picked up last Friday and I love it! It's easy to drive :thumbup:
Our baby princess
22th February at 12:32 o'clock our second daughter was born. 3232g and 50cm.Today is our princess 3 weeks old. Her name is Agnes Berfin Björk. She is a happy girl who eats and grows as she should! During these 3 weeks I only had to be awake with her three nights. Engla is a very happy and proud big sister! :)
Så här såg det ut några timmar innan Agnes kom till världen.
This is how it looked like a few hours before Agnes was born.
Några timmar gammal.
A few hours old.
Några dagar gammal.
A few days old.
Första badet.
The first bath.
Min lilla Agnes Björk ligger i knä på en större Agnes Björk och Engla sitter brevid ;)
My little Agnes Björk is in the lap of a bigger Agnes Björk and Engla is sitting next to them ;)
Som jag sagt tidigare, jag har fortfarande ingen dator och därför har uppdateringen inte varit så bra som den borde.. :( Vill också tack för alla fina gratulationer! :love:
As I said before, I still have no computer and cuz of that the update have not been as good as it should .. :( I also want to thank you all for all your congratulations! :love: